The Battle of Lagabraad (circa 1480 or 1483)
History - Story

The Battle of Lagabraad (circa 1480 or 1483) - A Turning Point in Scottish Clan Rivalries

by Marcus Harris on Jul 15, 2024

1. Introduction

The Battle of Lagabraad , also known as the Battle of Logiebride, was a significant event in Scottish history that took place between Clan Donald and Clan Mackenzie. It occurred in either 1480 or 1483, with conflicting accounts of the exact year. This battle was a pivotal moment in the ongoing struggle for power and control in Scotland during the late 15th century. In this article, we will delve deeper into the details of this historical event, its significance, and its lasting impact.

The Battle of Lagabraad was a clash between Clan Donald, led by Angus MacDonald, and a coalition of northern clans led by the Earl of Atholl. The main location of the battle was in the earldom of Ross, in the Highlands of Scotland. The name "Lagabraad" is derived from the Gaelic word "lag," meaning hollow, and "brath," meaning judgment. This name is fitting, as the outcome of this battle had far-reaching consequences for both sides.

This battle holds great importance in Scottish history, as it was a turning point in the ongoing struggle between powerful clans for control over the country's resources and territories. The conflicts and rivalries between clans were a common occurrence during this period, and the Battle of Lagabraad was just one among many.

2. Historical Context of The Battle of Lagabraad

Historical Period

The Battle of Lagabraad took place during the Late Middle Ages, a period marked by political instability and frequent conflicts in Scotland. The country was divided into several autonomous territories, each ruled by a powerful clan chief. As a result, there was constant rivalry and tension between these clans, which often resulted in armed conflict.

During this period, the Scottish throne was also in a state of flux. King James III had been assassinated in 1488, and his son, James IV, was still a minor. This power vacuum left room for ambitious clans to vie for control and influence in the country.

Political and Social Situation

The main event leading up to the Battle of Lagabraad was the forfeiture of the Earldom of Ross by John of Islay, Earl of Ross. This earldom was a valuable territory that had traditionally been held by Clan Donald, but it was now in the hands of the king. As a result, there was a power struggle between the Mackenzies and the MacDonalds over who would gain control of this territory.

The Mackenzies, led by the Earl of Atholl, saw an opportunity to seize this coveted territory and expand their power. On the other hand, Angus MacDonald, the son of John of Islay, was determined to reclaim the earldom and defend it from the Mackenzies.

Key Figures

The two main leaders in the Battle of Lagabraad were Angus MacDonald, son of John of Islay, and the Earl of Atholl, leader of the coalition of northern clans. These two figures represented the ongoing rivalry between Clan Donald and Clan Mackenzie, making the battle a symbol of their power struggle.

Other significant parties involved included the Clan Mackay, who fought alongside the Mackenzies, and the Clan Chattan, who sided with the MacDonalds. These alliances further highlight the complex political landscape in Scotland during this period.

The Battle of Lagabraad of MacDonald vs MacKenzie
MacDonald vs MacKenzie - Image from Tartan Vibes Clothing

3. Combatants of The Battle of Lagabraad

Side A Forces: Clan Donald


Angus MacDonald, also known as Angus Og, was the chief and commander of Clan Donald during the Battle of Lagabraad. He was the son of John of Islay, the former Earl of Ross, and had a personal stake in the outcome of the battle.


Clan Donald's army consisted mainly of Highland warriors, known for their fierce and skilled fighting techniques. They were also well-armed with traditional Scottish weapons such as claymores, dirks, and targes.


The main goal of Clan Donald in this battle was to reclaim the Earldom of Ross and protect their territory from the Mackenzies. This objective was deeply personal for Angus MacDonald, as it meant reclaiming his family's honor and legacy.

Side B Forces: Clan Mackenzie


The Earl of Atholl, whose name is a title bestowed upon the chief of Clan Mackenzie, led the coalition of northern clans against Clan Donald. He was a powerful and influential figure in Scotland and saw an opportunity to expand his territory by gaining control of the Earldom of Ross.


The army of Clan Mackenzie was made up of men from various northern clans who had joined forces to defeat Clan Donald. They were also equipped with traditional Scottish weapons, but they may have had access to more advanced weapons and tactics due to the support of the government.


The primary objective of Clan Mackenzie in the Battle of Lagabraad was to acquire the Earldom of Ross and solidify their power in the Highlands. They saw this as an opportunity to gain wealth, resources, and influence in Scotland.

4. Battle Progression

Preparation Phase

The events leading up to the Battle of Lagabraad were marked by strategic planning and preparations on both sides. Clan Mackenzie formed a coalition of northern clans and convinced the government to support their cause. Meanwhile, Clan Donald rallied their own forces and allies to defend their territory.

The two sides engaged in several minor skirmishes before the main battle, each trying to gain an advantage over the other. These initial conflicts served as a precursor to the decisive confrontation that would take place at Lagabraad.

Main Events

The Battle of Lagabraad began with an initial clash between the two forces, as they battled for control of a strategically important hill. Clan Donald managed to gain the upper hand and forced the Mackenzies to retreat.

The main phase of the battle took place in a hollow or "lag" area, where both sides fiercely fought for hours. The combatants used various tactics, such as flanking maneuvers and surprise attacks, to gain the upper hand. However, despite their efforts, neither side was able to gain a decisive advantage.

At one point, it is said that Angus MacDonald's horse was struck by an arrow, causing him to fall to the ground. This turn of events gave the Mackenzies a momentary advantage, but Clan Donald quickly regrouped and continued to fight on foot.

As the battle dragged on, it became clear that no side would emerge as the clear victor. Both sides sustained heavy casualties, and the fighting eventually came to a halt due to exhaustion and darkness.


The Battle of Lagabraad ended with Clan Donald claiming victory, stating that the Mackenzies were defeated, with 517 killed, and their chief captured. The Earl and Kenneth Mackenzie reportedly only narrowly escaped with their lives.

5. Consequences and Effects of The Battle of Lagabraad

Immediate Consequences

The immediate consequences of the Battle of Lagabraad were significant and far-reaching. According to Clan Donald's account, there were over 500 fatalities, making it one of the bloodiest battles in Scottish history at the time. The clan also suffered severe losses and damage to their territory and resources.

The Mackenzies, on the other hand, also sustained heavy casualties and were unable to achieve their objective of gaining control of the Earldom of Ross. However, they continued their pursuit of this territory and eventually succeeded in acquiring it through other means.

Long-term Effects

The Battle of Lagabraad had long-term effects on the region and the nation as a whole. It solidified Clan Donald's control over the Earldom of Ross and reaffirmed their power and influence in the Highlands. This battle also fueled ongoing animosity and conflicts between the two clans, which would continue for many years to come.

Furthermore, this battle had a significant impact on the political landscape of Scotland. It showed that the clans were still a powerful force in Scottish society and highlighted the need for a strong central government to maintain order and stability.

In addition, the Battle of Lagabraad serves as an example of how personal rivalries and ambitions can have a profound impact on a nation's history.

6. Legacy and Impact of The Battle of Lagabraad

Historical Significance

The Battle of Lagabraad may not be as well-known as other battles in Scottish history, but its significance cannot be overlooked. It was a turning point in the ongoing struggle for power and control in Scotland during the Late Middle Ages. It also highlights the complex relationships and alliances between clans and the central government during this period.

Cultural Impact

The Battle of Lagabraad has also left a lasting impact on local culture and traditions. In some versions of the story, Angus MacDonald is seen as a symbol of bravery and heroism, while in others, he is portrayed as a cunning and ruthless leader. The battle and its outcome are often referenced in traditional Scottish folk songs and stories, preserving its memory in local culture.

Lessons Learned

The Battle of Lagabraad provided important lessons in strategy and military tactics for both sides. It demonstrated the effectiveness of flanking maneuvers and surprise attacks, as well as the importance of terrain and preparation in battle. These lessons were later applied in subsequent battles and conflicts in Scottish history.

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, the Battle of Lagabraad, although not as well-known as other battles in Scottish history, was a significant event that shaped the country's political and social landscape. Its impact can still be seen today, highlighting the ongoing struggles for power and control in Scotland during the Late Middle Ages. The legacy of this battle lives on through local culture and its lessons continue to influence military strategies. It serves as a reminder of the consequences of personal rivalries and the complexities of clan politics in Scottish history.

Clan heritage in your hands!

Frequently Asked Questions

What was the main cause of the Battle of Lagabraad?

The primary cause of the Battle of Lagabraad was the power struggle over the Earldom of Ross. Following the forfeiture of the earldom by John of Islay, Earl of Ross, a conflict ensued between Clan Donald, led by Angus MacDonald, and a coalition of northern clans led by the Earl of Atholl. Each side aimed to control this valuable territory in the Highlands of Scotland.

Who were the key leaders involved in the Battle of Lagabraad?

The key leaders were Angus MacDonald, also known as Angus Og, who led Clan Donald, and the Earl of Atholl, who commanded the coalition of northern clans, including Clan Mackenzie. These leaders represented the significant power struggle between their respective clans during this period.

What were the main objectives of Clan Donald and Clan Mackenzie during the battle?

Clan Donald aimed to reclaim the Earldom of Ross and protect their territory, driven by Angus MacDonald's personal stake in restoring his family's honor and legacy. In contrast, Clan Mackenzie, under the Earl of Atholl's leadership, sought to seize the Earldom of Ross to expand their power and influence in the Highlands.

What was the outcome of the Battle of Lagabraad and its immediate consequences?

The Battle of Lagabraad ended with Clan Donald declaring victory. According to their account, the Mackenzies were defeated with 517 casualties, and their chief was captured. The Earl of Atholl and Kenneth Mackenzie narrowly escaped with their lives. Both clans suffered significant losses, and although Clan Mackenzie did not achieve their immediate objective, they eventually gained control of the Earldom of Ross through other means.

How did the Battle of Lagabraad impact Scottish history and culture?

The Battle of Lagabraad reinforced Clan Donald's control over the Earldom of Ross and underscored the influence of powerful clans in the Highlands. It highlighted the ongoing need for a strong central government to maintain order in Scotland. The battle has also left a lasting cultural legacy, featuring in traditional Scottish folk songs and stories, and serving as a symbol of the fierce clan rivalries and military strategies of the time.

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Marcus Harris

Greetings, I'm Marcus Harris—a passionate advocate for the profound beauty found in cultural and historical richness. Join me as your dedicated companion on a captivating journey through time and traditions. Together, let's unravel the vibrant threads of culture and history that intricately weave the fabric of our shared human experience. 

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